How to Participate
Secular, nonpartisan, and non-profit organizations that can provide onsite services of value to the community may be eligible to participate in Swap Meet Justice. No products can be sold or advertised and all on-site services must be free.
Organizations that can provide Spanish-speaking representatives and who can accomplish tasks on-site that are usually done at offices, such as filling out applications, are given priority.
Participating organizations are provided with free tented space (equivalent of 10’x10’), a table, and 2 chairs. Morning coffee, snacks, and a taco lunch is provided to organization participants. There is access to electricity and a copier. Participants are expected to be at their booths from 9am to 3pm.To better serve the community, we expect all participants to network among the other providers present, and, when possible, to involve voluteers.
Please fill out this form/ Por favor, llene esta forma
Organizaciones seculares, no partidarias, y sin fines lucrativas que pueden brindar servicios de valor para la comunidad en el sitio son elegibles para participar en Swap Meet Justice/Justicia Tianguera. En este evento no hay que vender ni promover productos y todos los servicios en el sitio deben ser gratuitos. Se da prioridad a las organizaciones que pueden proporcionar representantes que hablan español y que pueden realizar tareas en el sitio que generalmente se realizan en las oficinas, como completar solicitudes.
Las organizaciones participantes reciben una carpa ya instalada (equivalente a 10’x10′), una mesa, y 2 sillas. Se ofrece café, refrescos, y tacos al almuerzo a los participantes de la organización. Hay acceso a la electricidad y una fotocopiadora. Se espera que los participantes estén en sus puestos de 9 a. m. a 3 p. m. Para servir mejor a la comunidad, esperamos que todos los participantes se conecten entre los proveedores presentes, y, cuando sea factible, incorporar voluntarios en su tranajo.
Por favor, llene esta forma/Please fill out this form
Participant/Vendor FAQ’s
Do returning partners need to RSVP?
Yes, we ask that you RSVP every time. You can do this by text or email along with any revisions in space or equipment needs!
“How do I become a partner?”
Fill out our application:
“My client/friend/neighbor has a question NOW!”
Please have them check out our website at and/or contact (805) 616-2715.
Where are you Located?
We are located in front of the gymnasium at Oxnard Community College, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard.
What Time?
The market is officially open between 8:00 and 3:00. People from the vendors area start coming through at 8. The citizenship tent starts services at 9:00, because we have to train new volunteers at 8:30. We ask our participants to assume they’ll stay until 3:00 pm. Every participant is welcome to join the new volunteer training to learn about the citizenship process.
- We encourage organizations to provide as complete a service as they can to the community right there in their tents. If you have applications, forms or signup sheets, please bring them with you, either on paper or laptops, in lieu of asking a community member to complete them by themselves later online or requiring them to come to an office during the week to do the same thing.
- If a fairgoer must make an appointment by phone, please provide them with a name of a person who can assist them in their preferred language, along with their direct number and extension.
- All services, information and items provided at the fair must be completely free to the community and we don’t permit sales or fundraising. Giveaways of swag are popular and who doesn’t love one of those spinning wheels? Small gift cards have been given out for various things, like filling out Medi-Cal forms or participating in a survey.
Spanish is the predominant language, so having at least one bilingual staff member is essential. If you have single-language resource material, we estimate that +90% should be in Spanish. Mixtec languages and Tagalog are also spoken there. If you have no bilingual tent staff, we will try to team you up with a bilingual volunteer. Find Monica Salas at the citizenship tent to see if she has some bilingual teen volunteers. We have two professional Mixtec interpreters you can call over when necessary stationed at the Information Booth
Tents and equipment
Unless you specify otherwise, we will supply you with our basic kit of one 10’x10′ tent, a 6’ long table and (2) chairs. All are free to our participants.
- If you need more of anything to be efficient and comfortable, just email us by Wednesday before the fair. at
- Because Oxnard College has serious weight requirement of 40 pounds PER LEG for tents, we’ve found that the fair is more accessible and safer for all participants if our professional tent supplier provides the tents.
- If you have a branded tent you would like to use AND the appropriate weights, please email at by the Wednesday before the fair and we’ll leave a space for you. Tents not weighted to swap meet requirements are not permitted.
- Please contact us 24 hours ahead at if you have to cancel, so we can save tent and equipment charges.
- These information deadlines are important, as we must give a completed layout and equipment list to our long-suffering tent-guy by the Friday before the fair.
Vehicle access and set-up time
- If you need a vehicle to drop off your equipment, there is a window between 6:00 – 7:30 am before swap meet personnel block all vehicular traffic at 7:30 am. (See the attached map below.) Otherwise, equipment needs to be brought in by hand.
- If your set-up includes a van or similar vehicle as a base for your services, tell me so I can leave space for it. For accompanying tents, see above.
- If you are lost or need assistance, we are always at the site at 6:00 am getting set up and are happy to assist you. Contact us by phone or text at (805) 368-4923.
We have access to electricity to recharge laptops and hotspots behind the citizenship tent.
When and where does this happen?
Oxnard College, 4000 S Rose Ave, Oxnard, CA 93033
9am - 3pm the last Sunday of every month